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EBMC Quarterly Review

Writer's picture: ebmcchairsebmcchairs


We are in the process of reviewing the information we hold in respect of our entire community to (a) ensure it is correct and (b) ensure we can ensure we are able to stay in contact with everybody.

Please therefore can you reply to this email with the information in the table below, even if there are no changes please fill in the table.

Address: Email Address:

Home Phone:

Mobile Phone: (Please let us know if we can contact you by text)

Children's names and DOB:


Relationship to Member & Hebrew Name of Deceased:

Date English:

Date Hebrew (if Known):

Member's Hebrew Name & Children's Hebrew Names: Cohen/Levi/Yisrael:

Please email these details to


(a) New Venue:

In November 2018, following a trial month and then subsequent approval at the AGM, we moved from the BECC to a new venue for our Services which is in Borehamwood.  

Attached is a picture of the shul fully set up together with our new Aron HaKodesh built by our in-house carpenter Tony de Swarte.

(b) Children's Services We are now running weekly Children's services overseen by our Children's Service Coordinator Keshet Dor.  Each week activities are planned for an informal educational session for all children under Bnei Mitzvah age.  Over the last few months the children have learned about the Kohen Gadol and his special garments (and dressed up as one), made Tablets of Stone and made their own Sifrei Torah.   We are also fortunate to have Masorti's Youth Movement, NOAM, join us for the first Shabbat of every month giving us a direct link with Masorti Judaism and to provide NOAM activities for that shabbat.  The remainder of the weeks are organised by Keshet and a rota of parents.  If you would like to help with Children's services, please do let us know. (c) Rabbi & Chazzan As you may recall from a recent newsletter we have now engaged the services of Rabbi Danny Newman and Chazzan Roland Brandman. Rabbi Danny will be with us on a monthly basis, which we are hoping to increase over time, and available to assist us with pastoral and halachic questions and to provide spiritual leadership for the community.  If you didn't see the newsletter with his introduction the link is here: Chazzan Roland Brandman took our High Holy Day services over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 2018/5779.  Following the tuneful and enjoyable sounds over the HHDs, Roland has also agreed to be part of our Services Team going forwards.  Roland has taken Shabbat Morning services and has also taken our last two Friday Night, Kabbalat Shabbat, services.  If you didn't see his introduction in the newsletter, here is the link: (d) Aliyah - Bnei Mitzvah Programme In November 2018 we launched our Bnei Mitzvah Programme for children of members in Year 6 and 7 for the months pre-ceding their Bar or Bat Mitzvah.  So far the students have learned about the Sefer Torah and have visited a Scribe, they have looked into their Family Trees , they also help out in services reading the Communal Prayers in English and helping with the set up and set down of the shul.  The programme is designed to help the students learn about themselves and grow into becoming members of the community.   Jay Dor is the coordinator of the programme and has been working very hard with our first wave of families working through the programme and we look forward to celebrating the 4 Bnei Mitvot we have in 2019 with the families and first Graduates of our Aliyah Programme.   We would like to take this opportunity of thanking Jay for her work with the programme, and look forward to the graduation and the course for 2019/2020. If your child/children will be Bnei Mitzvah in 2020 or 2021 please do get in touch so we can start preparing the next course. (e) New Members and Visitors Over the last few months we have had visitors and potential new members attend on Shabbat to try out Masorti and see whether the community and services are a fit for them.  We are fortunate that we have managed to increase our membership due to the warm welcome and inclusivity of the services.  It is with thanks to Alison Arellano and Steven who contact and deal with new members that our success rate following visit to the shul that our numbers are growing. 3. Yahrzeit Notifications There has been an issue with these, for which we apologise, going forwards we are going to email these to community. Please do look out for the newsletter, as reminders are placed in the newsletter every week. 4. Membership Fees & Costs We have now appointed accountants to manage the membership fees, payments and the day to day financials of the Community.  Some of you may have already had contact from them with your annual invoices or reminders for balancing or other payments. We have been reviewing the membership fees for the community and for the current year there is no plan to increase them. Below is the fee scale, if we you have agreed a lower fee with either of us please do not worry, your agreements will remain in place as agreed.   FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (2 Adults and All under 21's in household): £552 per year (£46 per month) SINGLE MEMBERSHIP: £276 per year (£23 per month) ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP (Non-Jewish Partner/Children aged 21-30 living with parents paying full price): £150 per year (£12.50 per month, added to the main fees) (per person). Associate membership also provides burial rights for the associate member.   If you have not altered your Standing Order/Direct Debit to reflect the correct level of fees or to reflect a change in your household please can you make the necessary changes going forwards.  Membership fees cover the burial contribution that is made to the JJBS to provide burial cover for members.  Please do note that you require 6 months membership for the JJBS cover to be effective, thereafter funeral fees are not claimed by the JJBS. Unfortunately we do not have the ability to amend the Direct Debits at the bank as we do not have a Variable Direct Debit arrangement with each member of the community.   If you pay annually, you will receive an invoice at your next annual renewal. 5. Volunteers The community is volunteer led and managed.   We have a great team of people who undertake numerous roles within the community, the full list is here, If you have some time to spare or can offer assistance with Kiddush, taking part of a service, layening your bar/bat mitzvah portion, helping with security, taking a session for our Bnei Mitzvah Programme or anything else, please do get in touch.   The more people we have helping out the stronger we can make our community.

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