We will be sharing services this year with EMS for both Succot and Simchat Torah.
Services for Succot and Simchat Torah At EMS
Erev Succot - Sunday 13th October 6.30 pm
First Day Succot - Monday 14th October 9.15 am
Children’s and Youth Services 10.45 am
Second Day Succot - Tuesday 15th October 9.15 am
Children’s and Youth Services 10.45 am
Shabbat Chol HaMoed Succot 19th October 9.15 am
Shabbaton Lunch in the succah following the service
Hoshana Rabba Sunday 20th October 9.00 am
Shemini Atzeret Monday 21st October 9.15 am
Children’s and Youth Services 10.45 am
Yizkor 11.30 am
Erev Simchat Torah Monday 21st October 6.30 pm
Followed by celebratory Kiddush and hakafot
Simchat Torah - Tuesday 22nd October 9.15 am
Including hakafot and followed by celebratory Kiddush